Please see our latest Information from the P&C.
QKR Online payments (PDF 1151 KB)
Hornsby Heights Public School (HHPS) has an active Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). The objectives of the P&C is to promote the welfare of the students by bringing parents, students and teachers together to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school. The P&C has a number of sub-committees which provide services and raises money plus every second year the P&C organises a Fete . In the past, funds raised by the P&C have contributed towards a wide range of facilities such as air conditioning in the classrooms, improving the grounds and providing the latest technology.
Helping out
Helping on one or more of the committees is a great way to meet other parents, members of staff and students. There is plenty of scope to help wherever your talents lie and whatever time you are able to give. We invite you to take an active role to ensure that our children receive the best education and learning environment possible.
Opportunities to assist include:
- Volunteer in the canteen or the uniform shop
- Join us on the grounds days
- Helping out with band and dance engagements
- Fund raising activities
- Contributing at meetings
The P&C Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month during school terms at 7.00pm in the school staff room. All Parents are encouraged to attend. These meetings usually have an agenda that includes:
- Reports from the sub-committees
- Principal's report
- General Business
The Annual General Meeting is held in March each year at which time the election of Executive Committee office bearers takes place.
Our Constitution (DOCX 15 KB)
P&C Rules (DOCX 12 KB)
Communication Strategy (DOCX 85 KB)
There are then a number of sub-committees that perform various functions for the school. Each sub-committee has a Terms of Reference as below and follow the same set of financial guidelines.
Financial Management Guide (DOCX 14 KB)
The 2022 P&C Association and it's sub-committees are represented as follows:
All fund-raising by subcommittees is under of the P&C Association which along with voluntary school fees allows the P&C to carry out its mandate. The P&C Executive Committee then receives requests for support and based on the priorities and needs of the school and students, present these for approval at a full monthly P&C meeting.
Parents are invited to make contact with the P&C whether or not they are able to attend meetings. Input from parents is highly valued in helping meet the needs of the students of HHPS.