At Hornsby Heights Public School we have a thorough transition to school program that aims to support you and your child. Starting school is such an exciting time. We are looking forward to being part of this journey with you!
Transition Programs
Visits to local Pre-Schools
During the transition process the school makes visits to the local Preschools to meet the staff and communicate our Transition to School Program.
Showcase and School Tour for Parents/Carers and Preschool Students
All families are invited to join us for a Showcase and School Tour held in Term 3. Come along to see and hear about some of the programs we have on offer and take part in a school tour led by our senior students.
Kindergarten Parent Information Evening
All parents are encouraged to attend a Parent Information Evening held in Term 4. This is an introduction to Hornsby Heights Public School where families will be provided with information on preparation for school and an important ‘Take home pack’.
Orientation Day Sessions
All students (who have completed enrolment procedures) will be invited to attend two Orientation Day sessions during Term 4. During these two visits the students will have the opportunity to;
- Learn school routines
- Meet next year's "buddies"
- Become confident and secure in the new environment
- Spend time in a Kindergarten classroom meeting their new classmates
- Meet the Kindergarten staff and School Principal
The School Uniform shop will be open at some point during these sessions to provide an opportunity for the students to try on uniform sizes.
Starting School
Best Start
Administering Best Start Kindergarten Assessment procedures occurs during the first two weeks of school. This assessment assists teachers identify the literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills that each child brings to school. Results of these assessments help teachers design quality teaching and learning programs to suit individual student needs.
Kindergarten Programs
- Synthetics phonics-based Literacy program that incorporates decodable texts
- Reading and writing programs that incorporate a range of quality literature
- Engaging and hands on learning opportunities provided in literacy and numeracy lessons that incorporate current researched based pedagogy including differentiated curriculum, flexible student grouping, STEAM and STEM tasks, Number Talks and Visible Learning Principles
- Integrated approach to teaching Science and Technology, History and Geography and Creative Arts that incorporates Project Based Learning experiences
- A specialist Music, Dance and Physical Education program
- Weekly Library lessons