Hornsby Heights Public School

Telephone02 9476 5133


Learning across the curriculum

Cross curriculum content enriches and supports the learning areas and adds depth to student learning. In NSW students study a range of learning across the curriculum content.

Cross curriculum priorities

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures 
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia 
  • sustainability

General capabilities

  • critical and creative thinking 
  • ethical understanding 
  • information and communication technology capability 
  • intercultural understanding 
  • literacy 
  • numeracy 
  • personal and social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

  • civics and citizenship
  • difference and diversity
  • work and enterprise.

© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2012


Technology is an integral part of the curriculum at Hornsby Heights Public School. The school community is committed to ensuring that latest technology is available for use in the classroom. All classrooms are equipped with computers for teacher and student use. There is also
access to classroom computer pods and a library research laptops and iPads.

Interactive Whiteboards and Touchscreens
Interactive whiteboards and touchscreens (televisions) are utilised in every classroom and provide innovative and interactive lessons that engage student learning.

Connected Classrooms – Video Conferencing
Staff have access to this facility that provides opportunities for our students to interact with other students in other schools and to listen to and seek the advice of experts from around the world.

Technology Program
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 embed technology skills throughout all Learning Areas.
Programs include:

- Beebots: Programmable mini-robots that look like ladybugs

- Spheros: programmable computer spheres excellent for conducting rich inquiry-based explorations

- Scratch: Block-based computer coding program

- Minecraft education

- Animation labs: Opportunity for students to created stop motion animation using digital cameras.

-Web design: Upper primary students utilise web design software to create their own website or page

-Digital Storytelling: Students combine text, images and narration to create interactive stories

-Access to software Reading EggsMathleticsKidpix2Create a Storyand 2Animate